I really love Twitter and when I have nothing else to do I can often spend hours on it. The trouble is, it is rather too easy to spend hours on it even when I have something to do. I noticed that when I stayed off Twitter during the General Election campaign I got rather more done on my real work. Since then my Twitter habit has rapidly returned to normal and my output has dropped with bad effects on my bank balance. But can I live without it? I am going cold turkey today to find out. 8:28am First twinge. I have overcome it, but there are already signs this is going to be harder than I thought. I'll adopt the strategy of substituting some other activity whenever the blue bird pops into my mind. 8.50am Done approximately an hour more work than I usually get done by this time. Not yet getting the main benefit I was looking for, which is a clear mind. Still thinking up witty aphorisms, pithy comments and knock out comebacks. Sadly...