How I plan to get a remarkable amount done this year

I have somehow  contrived to give myself an enormous workload for the coming year.

This is not good news. I have a long track record of not getting much done. I’m also getting on in years. In my early 60s I don’t have the energy and enthusiasm I had when I was younger. Not only do I sleep much longer than I used to, when I’m awake I can no longer concentrate for as long as I used to be able to.

But let’s turn these negatives into positives. I may not have achieved much in the past. But that at least means that I know what not to do. I’ve also tried quite a lot of productivity enhancing tactics. I can draw on those experiences to try and do better this time.

And finally, there is a lot more technology around that I can press into service. For example I am writing this blog post using voice recognition software that is orders of magnitude better than anything I’ve ever had available to me before.

So I’m going to treat it as an opportunity to learn. So let’s roll the sleeves up and get started with the achievement. I will use this blog as a way of documenting what I’ve done and assessing how well I have done it. It should be educational at the very least.


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